Background: Premature rupture of membrane is defined as rupture or breakage of amniotic sac more than one hour before the onset of labour.
Aim : The study aimed to evaluate the epidemiological factors associated with PROM, the incidence of PROM and the maternal and fetal outcome in PROM.
Material & methods :This retrospective study was undertaken over the period of 18 months from May 2015 to October 2016 in the Department of Obstetrics &Gynaecology at Grant Government Medical College and JJ Hospital ,Mumbai.
Result : Out of 475 cases maximum cases 77,68% were between 20-30 age group. 23.80% had infection and no cause of PROM was found in 53.50%. Induction of labour was done in 77.80% cases and 8.60% cases delivered spontaneously. 69.05% delivered vaginally, while 29.30% cases required cesarean section. 67.80 % cases were delivered within 13-18 hours of PROM. Febrile morbidity and wound infection occurred in 6.9 &4.8% of cases respectively. Neonatal morbidity was found in 20.4%.Most common complication was asphyxia in 8.20% followed by sepsis and convulsion in 6.3&2.50 % cases respectively. LRTI found in 1.1% , whereas 0.8 % fetuses presented with umbilical cord sepsis. Neonatal death occurred in 1.10%
Conclusion: Thus a team approach, early recognition of PROM and its appropriate management helps in reducing the complications caused by PROM to great extent.
PROM, induction of labour , maternal & neonatal outcome, LRTI