Taslim Ahammad Md. Julker Naim., FarjanaRahman Shanta., Begum Khadiza ., Nigar Sultana

This study conduct with the zero hour contracts in world perspective. Here focus on the zero hour contract value as well as disadvantage. There has been growing public interest in the growth of zero hours contracts (ZHCS), where people are placed on a contract under which the employer is not obliged to offer regular work. These are seen by some as part of the flexible labor market and an important reason why unemployment has been lower and employment higher than it would have expected over the past five years. For others, they have entirely negative connotations associated with labor market exploitation and the growth of insecure forms of labor contract. The interest in zero hours contracts is, in some ways, surprising given they represent less than 1% of the workforce according to the Labor Force Survey. By comparison, other more traditional forms of insecure work such as casual and seasonal employment have attracted little attention, even though they are more common. One reason is that there may be far more zero hour contracts around than the statistical measure can capture. The most recent independent estimate, from the CIPD, puts the total at around 1 million compared with the latest ONS estimate of 250,000. Moreover, what happens at the margin matters – zero hours could be a small part of the workforce but account for a much bigger share of the new jobs, if their use has been rising sharply in the
recovery. Whatever the hard numbers tell us, zero hours contracts have come to symbolize a wider concern that the labor market is moving towards more contingent, less secure and more exploitative forms of employment at a time when in many areas jobs are scarce and people have little choice over taking whatever work is available.


Zero-hour contracts, future, world perspective

Volume & Issue: 
Vol. 3, Issue,04
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